Wednesday, May 28, 2008

60 day notice!!

A few days ago, I got a "60 day notice" from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, letting me know that my wedding was fast approaching and I needed to make sure I have things in order!

THANKS!!! I'm quite aware of that! :o)  Actually, I'm very excited that we are now under two months and couting until that big day!!!! Yippppeeee!!

After moving Ray into our new place, throwing a yard sale to get rid of lots of old stuff, and looking at the piles of crap at my current apartment, more than anything I'm ready for us to live in ONE place!! I can't wait until all our stuff is together! Whenever I'm at his place, I need something at mine- and vice versa, of course!!

As June fast approaches, I'm quickly realizing that it's all about to be REAL! Especially with my first shower this Sunday! So excited!! NOT excited about the part where all attention will be on me, but very excited to be getting our first gifts! Is it bad that I've been checking the registries a lot lately?? And is it also bad that almost nothing is off of them yet?? :o)

I'm thinking though that with my 3 showers and wedding gifts, I need to add more stuff! Time to go shopping! We desperately need some stuff to get our new place organized!!

How about some cool stuff like this.........

And I'm nott gonna get it but how cool is this shoe "wheel"??!!

And here's my one - "dang-it if only I wasn't getting married" thing I wish I could have!

Think Ray will let me get away with naming a kid Roxy so I can buy her tons of Roxy stuff??!!

How come no one ever told me Roxy made bathroom stuff!! Why did I ever waste my single-life designing taste on fish and beach chair decor in the bathroom??

Oh wait!! If Ray can register for luggage, so can I!!


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