Inspired by Emerald Cove's post on her apothecary jars in her bedroom.....
I thought I'd see what I could do with mine on my bedroom dresser! I posted about my recent Goodwill apothecary finds here, and decided to use them with beachy finds like Michelle did!
By the way, GOOOOOO see what she did with her bedroom and the AMAZING faux fireplace!! I want to steal every idea in there!!
My bedroom has been needing a change, but I've been working on so much else that I've put it off! This was a quick and easy change though!
Here's the before of the decor on top!
It's been like this since Christmas when I removed a shelf unit to make room for Baby Girl who stayed in our room since company stayed in hers. Some of the stuff from the shelf ended up here! I've got plans to redo the dresser that I slapped paint on awhile back without prepping it correctly! This was never how I intended for it to look!
And the after!
I glued the small apothecary jar up onto a Dollar Tree candle stick which I like much better! Added my driftwood sign I made (which I'm super glad I finally found a good home for!), lots of shells and sand- some bought some gathered from beaches myself, and a picture of Baby Girl's first view of the ocean last month at Tybee Island, GA (I'll be replacing this with a real pic! It's a computer printout for a quick fix!). I got the frame at Dollar Tree years ago! Love it and wish I'd gotten more at the time!
I also moved the crab sign down about 6 inches and am liking it alot better!
I also found some old, falling apart books and tied them with ribbon and twine. I'm already not super loving the way I tied them, so I'm looking into fixing that!
Here's some more close ups of details...
I still think it needs something else around it, but this wall is limited because our huge TV shelves are to the left of it! I also need to do something about the clock I removed! It's so super ugly, but functional! I need to see the time in the middle of the night to know if Baby Girl is waking up because she's hungry or just needs to be soothed back to sleep!
So far, I'm super happy about this display! I love finding inspiration around bloggy land!
For more inspiration, check out these lovely ladies and their fantasitc parties I'm linking this to!