We had our first RSVP to the wedding just the other day! Well, other than my parents who I actually RSVP'd online myself, just to see how it works! We'll be sending RSVP cards for our formal dinner invites for the wedding party and family (all the wedding party better RSVP YES!!), but everyone else we're having RSVP online through The Knot. This has been the bain of my exixtense lately! Not because of the difficulty of using The Knot's guestlist...it's pretty uncomplicated and gives you lots of options for sorting guests. But the gathering of info, addresses, spouses names, figuring out what all of Ray's families REAL names are.....it's been a mess!!
Ex- he tells me to invite his Uncles Chalo, Chuy, and Guero. I ask if any of those are their real names....Nope!! Rosalio, Jesus, and I forget the other are their real names!! Even he can't keep it straight!! Luckily, I have a future sister-in-law who has had the last 10 years to figure out her husband's family and she's a lot of help!!
But anyways, back to the first RSVP....I handed out Save the Dates to my 5th grade homeroom classes the other day, and one of them was the first to RSVP!! YAY!! :o) The reason I really want them to RSVP is so I know if there is room to invite any other students/former students! See.....currently I have about 120 students....and maybe about 50 more past students I'd love to invite....NOT gonna happen! I really wish it could but we're at a 350 max....and inching near 330 already and we're not even done!! YIPES!! :o)
I love my kids though!!! To make it easier (sort of!), I'm currently inviting my 27 homeroom students their siblings and moms (they are a FUN bunch!!) and all of the teachers/faculty and their kids that I teach....Whew! That's a lot! :o) Wouldn't want it any other way though!! Especially when they are all going through this process with me and loving every moment of it!!
One of my 5th graders overheard me on the phone the other day with my principal who'd had to rearrange a meeting with me. (Wouldn't have been on the phone at school except she was supposed to BE here and obviously wasn't!!) He heard me saying ok, no problem and looking a little perplexed since I'd just run all over the school looking for her and then was surprised to see she was calling. When I hung up, he asked who I was talking to because he thought it was my fiance and we were breaking up. Apparently something in my conversation with her reminded him of how people look when they break up in the movies! HA!! I didn't think I was being that dramatic, and definitely wasn't that concerned over a meeting postponed...just a little confused!! :o)
Sooooo..............PLEASE send those RSVP's in!!!!!!!!! Or rather, get online and send them in!!! Later you can mail in the little ones if you haven't online already!! Nothing pleases a bride and groom more than hearing people say YES we are coming to celebrate with you!!! And YES you do need to RSVP....don't just assume we know you are coming!!! :o)
And by the way...my students keep asking me now...."What exactly does RSVP mean??" I couldn't give them an answer! Until I looked it up and found this which says it is French (which I thought it did!!) "réspondez, s'il vous plaît" or "reply please!" Sounds better in Frech!!
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