Friday, May 2, 2008

Am I the only bride with lots of PILES??!!

It seems ever since I got engaged- along with lots of other things I've started to do!- I've become a crazy pile maker!! This past Monday, my job was to ATTACK and ORGANIZE those piles!! Am I the only one whose place looks like this??!!

My wedding pile

My -need to sort, store or get ride of pile of shoes/winter clothes

My yard sale pile.....getting bigger as I clean the other piles!


My "Take to Ray's/my new place" pile! (which grows about 10x's every day!!)

My recycle pile

Believe was even worse than the pictures show!! I was going completely CRAZY (ask Ray, he'll attest to that!) with all the piles everywhere, so I attacked them furiously!! Even though there are still piles, I'm not tripping over anything anymore and my apartment is much more livable! That's a good thing since I still have about 3 months left in it! :o) I feel MUCH better, and even though I still have some piles, they are manageable! In a couple weeks, my "take to Ray's" pile will be gone when he moves in our new place, and then in a few months-- my wedding pile will be all used up!!! I'm sure I'll find new things to pile then though! :o)


  1. Nope, I have a pile next my computer desk of wedding stuff. FI keeps asking me if he can throw it out. He at least wants to me to take it out of the bag so he knows it's not garbage. But I think that will be unruly. I have the majority of my wedding crap at my dad's where I don't have to (get to) look at it.


Let me know what you think!!! I'd really love your comments!! Thanks for visiting me!!