This isn't the best pic, so get look at the ones below to get a better idea! They just about perfectly match the navy in the sashes the girls are wearing!
She found these shoes at Kohl's- on sale for $19.99 - 50% off!! Plus for the last few days (and until Tues 5/20) if you use your credit card you get a scratch off card for a chance at another 15%, 20%, or 30% off! (online they are only in gold and silver. In store, I didn't even see gold and silver!!)
So during the yard sale, I tried them on, tested them out with the dress, and called/sent texts to all my girls to find out shoe sizes! Then my mom even called a couple different stores to check on who has what sizes!
Then after the yard sale, it was off to buy the shoes! Of course, in my crazy shopping past, I had a Kohl's credit card! :o) So once we got there, I reactivated it and used it to purchase the 3 more pairs we bought (my cuz is buying her own up in OH because her mom has a card!). So I don't get myself in trouble again, we paid it off immediately with a check from my wedding account and I'll need to destroy the new card as soon as it comes- for my own future sanity!
They also had these super cute styles, colors....
Love the red/white polka-dot ones!
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